Your Guide to Investing in Stocks

Investing in stocks can be one of the most efficient ways to start building your wealth over time. Learning how to make wise investments can help you earn returns that will exceed your usual income. In fact, almost every member of the ‘wealthiest people’ lists will have gotten there due to investing in public or private corporations. Investing in stocks is easier than ever today thanks to the internet, and it all begins with an understanding of how the stock market works, what your goals for investments are, and how much risk you are willing to handle. 

What are Stocks?

Stocks are investments that represent a legal ownership of a share in a company. When you purchase shares, you will become a part-owner of the company. Corporations sell stocks to raise money, and these will come in either common or preferred variations. Common stocks entitle the shareholder to a share in the profits or losses of the company, while preferred stock offers a predetermined dividend payment. In most cases, buying stocks will refer to common stocks. 

How Investing in Stocks Works:

You can profit from the ownership of stocks when the share price increases, or from dividend payments that are usually paid quarterly. Your investment can accumulate over time and will yield returns due to compound interest when the interest that you pay also starts earning interest. For example, if you make an initial investment of $1,000 and add $100 per month to your investment for two decades, your contribution of just $25.000 will provide you with around $75,450 with an annual return of 10% interest. 

Why Do Stock Prices Fluctuate?

The stock market works in a similar way to an auction. The buyers and sellers might be companies, governments, or individuals. Stock prices will drop when there are more sellers compared to buyers, while the price will move in the other direction when the number of buyers is higher than sellers. The performance of a company does not directly influence the price of its stock – it is the reaction of the investors to the performance of a company that has the impact. Generally speaking, a company that is performing well will usually see more interest from investors looking to purchase stocks, which will cause the price of the stocks to rise. 

What are Dividends?

A dividend is a quarterly payment that a company will send to shareholders. Dividend investing refers to a portfolio that contains stocks that issue dividend payments consistently throughout the years. These types of investments can be beneficial for anybody, but particularly during retirement due to the passive income stream that they generate. However, it is not possible to judge stock solely by its dividend price since companies will sometimes increase dividends as a way to attract investors when the company is underperforming. 

How to Find Stocks to Invest In:

Investment ideas can come from a wide range of different sources. You may use online resources or investment companies to learn more about up-and-coming corporations that might be worth investing in. Or, you could simply take a look around in your life to see what people tend to be interested in buying to get ideas of the type of companies that are likely to be performing well. Keep your eye out for trends and look for the companies that are likely to be getting the most benefit from them. It is also worth considering diversifying the stocks that you invest in – consider investing in stocks for different companies in various industries along with other securities like bonds and commodities. 

How to Buy Stocks:

There are several ways to buy stocks including one of the many investment apps that are now available to download, or directly through a brokerage account. Trading platforms for stocks give you the opportunity to buy, sell, and store the stocks that you purchase easily online using your smartphone or computer. Choosing an online trading platform for the first time can be confusing, so check out the information available from Wealthsimple to help you get started with investing in stocks and find the right platform for you. Along with advice and help on choosing a trading platform for stocks, Wealthsimple offers advice on making a wide range of investment types and automated tools to make the process easier. Another option to consider is joining an investment club, which can be an ideal alternative if you want to get advice and support when making investments in stocks. 

Choosing an Online Broker:

Stockbrokers are either discount or full-service. As the name suggests, full-service brokers will provide the full range of traditional brokerage services including financial advice. They will typically only deal with clients of higher net worth and will often charge large fees including a percent of the transactions that you make and the assets that they manage, along with a yearly membership fee. On the other hand, discount brokers have become the norm over the years, although they were once the exception. These brokers provide you with the tools that you need to select and pace transactions on your own, and online brokers are becoming increasingly more popular. Many offer a wide range of features on their websites and apps including educational materials that you can use to get started with investing in stocks. 

Minimum Investments and Deposits:

Many financial institutions will have a minimum deposit requirement – with some requiring you to deposit thousands of dollars before they will allow you to open an account. Because of this, it’s a wise idea to shop around and check out different broker reviews before you decide where to open an account. Some do not require a minimum deposit at all and are the ideal choice for anybody who is getting started with investing in stocks and wants to get some experience before taking on any further financial risk. 

Fees and Commissions:

While many brokers have recently been working to lower or even completely do away with commissions on trades, all brokers will need to make some money from their customers somehow. In most cases, this is done by a broker fee or commission that will be charged each time you trade stock, either when buying or selling. These fees can range from as small as $2 per trade but might be higher for certain discount brokers. Some brokers do not charge any commissions on the trades that you make, however, it certainly won’t be fee-free as the broker will need to make their money in other ways. Depending on how often you trade and how much you trade for, the fees can quickly add up and have an impact on your overall profitability. If you are moving into and out of positions frequently with a small amount of money available to invest, the fees can become very costly. 

Retirement Account Investing:

Your retirement account might also be another option that you can consider using when it comes to investing in stocks. You can open up a retirement account on your own or your employer might offer one that you can use as part of your career benefits package. These accounts will invest your money for your future retirement. However, on the downside, they are often limited to the options that are chosen by the plan provider. 

Selling Stocks:

Knowing when to sell your stocks is just as important as determining the right time to buy stocks. A good investor will buy when the stock market is rising and sell when it is falling, however, your strategy should also be based on your financial needs. To get a better idea of when to buy or sell stocks, it is a good idea to keep your eye on the major market indices like the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. These might enter a crash or correction at times, often due to global events like the COVID19 pandemic – however, these events do not usually last for a very long time and in the past, history has shown that the markets do start to climb again afterward. While losing money is never ideal, the wisest thing to do during these events is to hold onto your investment since they are likely to rise again. 

Diversifying Your Investments:

Finally, a diverse portfolio is the best way to reduce your risk when investing. By investing in a range of different assets, you will reduce the risk of one investment’s performance having a huge impact on your overall investment. In a nutshell, it’s all about being sure not to put all of your eggs in one basket. While you can diversify your investments by investing in a range of different stocks, the most benefit will come from investing in a range of different securities alongside stocks such as bonds, commodities, cryptocurrency, and even property. 

Investing in stocks is now more accessible to everybody, even if you are just starting out with a small amount of money. Understanding how the stock market works and taking advantage of online resources to start investing is key to getting on the path to success.