What is social listening

There are a lot of changes at present and the communication with the audience has gone to the next level. In recent years, social media has taken the shape and interaction has improved a lot. It has revolutionized the entire internet world and make way for more personalized connections.

Take Facebook, for instance, you can communicate with the stranger and build connections and participate in online communities. That is why online activities have taken a mainstay in networking and overtaking email. This doesn’t mean email has faded away but 60% of the communication is done through mobiles and tablets. With the massive distribution of information through social media, discussions, interactions and social signals have taken the front seat and other activities within their favourite platforms. The primary key for online success at present is the engagement you got through targeted audiences. But how do you develop and keep all those in track as a business owner and grow it? 

The simple answer is you listen to them. Right. 

The exact phase in social media is “Social Listening”. It can come in many forms like online tools or purchase any expensive software and integrate these with the existing digital media tools. Irrespective of configurations doe, social listening is equally important. Similar to social media marketing. Anywhere and everywhere, first to have a proper engagement there should be two-way communication being

Listening  and 


In this article, you will see the overview of what social listening is all about. There is a clear understanding of how it works and helps in boosting tour digital campaigns. 

Definition – Social listening?

Did you ever hear about the adage “Listen before you speak”? Yes. The same implies to the brands. If you don’t listen to the audience, their needs and wants, issues and concerns then, it becomes hard to succeed.  SM listening analyzes the new trends that are happening in the industry and among your brand and make better insights for taking marketing decisions.SM (Social Media) listening helps in understanding 

  • Why 
  • Where and 
  • How 

Aspects of the conversations and how people think or view about your product, service and brand. Moreover this aids in framing future campaigns and improve content strategies that suit the target consumers. By following this, the message outpaces your competition and construct effective affiliates and influencer programs to create impactful brand’s partnerships. 

So, social listening just determining who your audiences are? 

How does your audience perceive your products and services?

Which topics are they interested enough to read or discuss?

Their wants and how can you develop interaction and connect with them efficiently? 

If you haven’t asked these questions earlier, then social listening is for people like you.

Monitoring Vs. Listening

There is a misconception about social listening and social monitoring but they differ in may terms.

Monitoring refers to what and listening speaks about Why. 

Social monitoring is the method of determining and identifying the terms related to a brand. That is being said about your brand, by using different online and social channels. 

Through this ongoing activity, you get to know the perception of the audience and their emotions and frame a basic understanding of the targeted consumers. The primary goal is to know about the consumers who care most about and bring into consideration any experiences about the customers at the entry-level. Thus, the tools related to social media monitoring crawl related websites, blogs, forums, news sites, reviews and other major platforms like Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and Twitter and index them for every few minutes. Let’s say for every 10 mins. 

Social media (SM) listening helps in finding out the specific demographics. For example, audience emotions at a particular location. There is a way to make knowledgeable decisions. This aids in knowing whether the product or service is performing better in that location or not. This is, in fact, a time-consuming process. This is understanding in a big picture. 

Importance of social media(SM) listening

What! Are you not utilizing the powerful tool called SM listening? It’s surprising and leaving major blind spots. People are talking about you and your business activities everywhere online. You are passionate to hear to them right? 

To put it simply, if you care about your audience segments, then you need to care even about their insights. This can be done only through social listening. Here are some benefits 

Helps in identifying the opportunities to engage in discussions about your business. This can be anything differing from how much they admire your products to the requests they raise. 

Note that, engagement is great and positive social sentiments impact a lot. Listening helps in spotting the changes in real-time and get to know what triggered that change. 

It gives the possibilities the opportunities to measure the performance through sales and marketing campaigns that include comments, shares, mentions reshares and the volume and sentiment of the conversation around the content. Once you understand the types of content, you can target your ads on that. Social metrics have to be a crucial part in evaluating your content strategy in total. 

This helps in managing reputation. Respond to the conversations promptly and be aware of those that potentially turn the tide of the communication. If your customers are responding negatively and complaining then you can respond to them publicly and make things right. 

Social listening helps in watching the competitors move. Learn their strategies from monitoring ranging from content platforms and how delighted their customers are and what you can incorporate into your business. What global audiences are saying about them. 


Social listening is also referred to as social media listening includes all the special tools used to track the conversations about the audience’s perceptions. In this social sphere is difficult to analyze when the negative comments are passed down. But when it is there on the internet, it remains there forever. So, it involves analyzing the customer’s needs by listening and engage the targeted customers for better online conversations about your business. Hence, many firms rely on software tools to discover social mentions and respond appropriately before it becomes too late.