PPC Marketing Tips for SaaS companies

SaaS is everywhere!!!

SaaS stands for “Software as a Service”. Many businesses are switching to a Saas model for good reason. The ultimate goal of Saas company is to deliver a powerful application or excellent web-based solution for their customers. The popular Saas solutions are Microsoft Office, Dropbox, Netflix – the list goes on and on.

Are you planning to start a SaaS company? Don’t have enough marketing knowledge to design a PPC campaign for yourself? Looking for the ways to improve conversions? No worries!!! Getuplead is helping businesses to generate traffic and conversions. Approach them and increase your organic traffic and revenue without any hassles.

SaaS entrepreneurs and marketers need to think out of the box and act creatively. This will help them stand out from the competition.

There are multiple ways to boost sales in SaaS companies. It includes attractive new and existing customers, research competitors, build excellent customer support, create a winning PPC campaign and more. Among all the marketing techniques, PPC plays an important role in SaaS companies success.

Following are the hand-picked PPC marketing tips for SaaS companies

Preparation is the key

Preparation and planning are equally important. Planning is the initial step and preparation is a sequence. Before starting a PPC campaign, it’s important to create a powerful plan to ensure success. Working with a knowledgeable team is perfect for you. The team will set achievable goals – techniques to improve leads, brand awareness, the website traffic and more.

During preparation, it’s vital to decide what makes your service stand out from the competition. Know your budget, understand your customers, their preferences, organize keywords, write better ad copy, expected conversion time and more. List down and jump to the next step.

Perform targeted research

Employing a professional marketing firm such as Getuplead pays off. The experienced team will provide the right advice when it comes to creating PPC campaigns. Everything is handled by their expert team right from keyword research to choosing the right ad copy for your campaign. On the other hand, the marketing firm will research top competitors in your industry and check how their PPC ads are being constructed and how they’re performing.

Providing excellent services can entice your audience and make your PPC campaign successful. So, researching other SaaS companies products or services is always a great approach. Check what other companies are offering to their audience. There are multiple things you can offer to the audience i.e “Sign-up for free”, “One-month subscription”, “Yearly subscription” and more. Ultimately, offer the service that will make potential customers attracted towards your brand. 

Landing page love

A landing page is the dedicated web page where users “land” after clicking on the PPC campaign. If your landing page is not clear or not optimized then you’re missing something great. Optimize your landing page according to SEO guidelines. Also, you can create a landing page on Unbounce, Optimizely and more. These tools help to improve PPC ad campaigns. Also, the tools will provide information about how the visitors are interacting, where they’re at clicking and how much time they spend and more. A small change on your landing page can drive better conversions. If you’re simply paying your money to send visitors to the poor landing page, then you’re simply wasting your time and money.

Your landing page must have a clear purpose, including a call-to-action button and chatbot is a smart way. These are useful elements in every landing page. These elements help the audience to engage with your brand, reduce the bounce rate and involve in a conversation. This is a great way to address the pain points. Keep a note, you need to test your landing pages regularly and optimize accordingly.

Utilise Google’s audience

Audience targeting is important. But why? Focusing on reaching the interested audience is a wiser way to stop wasting time and money on the uninterested eyeball.

Thanks to Google Ads!!! It is offering an excellent feature for SaaS companies i.e Audience for Search. But many SaaS owners are not utilising this functionality. Segment your PPC campaigns and generate more conversions. “Audience for Search” functionality will let you know about the target audience who are interested in a product or service like yours. Targeting these audiences can be helpful and work perfectly for SaaS companies.

Many SaaS companies are using the information and adjusting accordingly during the PPC auction. It will effectively increase your quality of bidding trick.

Take advantage of long-tail keywords

“Long-tail keywords convert better”, while running a PPC campaign, adding long-tail keywords will have a huge impact on conversion rate. Because, when a user searches for longer phrases often means they’re willing to buy. These users have a higher intent to purchase the product or service.

Consider, a user searches “mobile phone” and another user searches for “iPhone12 max ultra price”. The second user is more inclined to place an order. Similarly, including long-tail keywords can easily target higher intent users. These keywords have less competition. You don’t need to work harder to find the long-tail keywords, there are several keyword analysis tools available online. Use the tools and get a list of long-tail keywords easily.

Focus on credibility to convert visitors to leads

If you want to run a successful PPC campaign for your SaaS company, establishing credibility from the beginning is important for you. When you’re new to the business world, users don’t purchase your service.

One of the excellent ways to increase credibility is to include top companies in your roster on your landing page. Take permission before placing their logo on your site. Also, you can create case studies about your partnership and let the users understand your service even deeper. This could be a great way to convert your visitors to leads. Few brands establish credibility by showcasing their awards, rating, press mentions and more.

Always qualify your leads

Qualifying the lead denotes whether the lead meets the need to purchase your service. For SaaS companies, it’s important to keep a check on qualifying leads, it helps to avoid time and other resources pursuing the lead who is not willing to purchase your service.

As a SaaS business owner, you need to get a proper CRM resource and track the leads. Did you know that there are two ways to qualify the leads through scoring? Yes!!! 1 – 10 or 0 to 100. Another way is to score through low, medium and high metrics. Once you decide the scoring approach, it’s time to optimize your PPC ads for qualified leads. Use long tail and short tail keywords, write a clear landing copy to attract the target audience and keep a track on every qualified lead.

Focus on micro conversions

While running a PPC campaign, SaaS owners believe the user will click on the ad, inquire or subscribe to the service. For a moment, place yourself in the user’s shoes, they’ve never heard of your brand name or product. Here they will be having two options either sign-up or exit. Generally, users think twice before subscribing to a service.

It’s no surprise that subscribing to service can be a big commitment. There are many things involved from features to pricing. Also, no SaaS owner wants to switch the software, especially when the service is used by multiple users. So, it could be the biggest commitment to SaaS companies. Therefore it’s important to build long-lasting relationships and increase trust among the customers. This can be done eventually through the newsletter, quality content, whitepapers and more.

Wrapping up

So, you’ve reached till the end. Hope the above-mentioned tips are helpful to improve your SaaS campaign performance. Even implementing one of the above-mentioned tips can improve your PPC campaign. The sooner you start implementing and improving your PPC campaigns, the sooner you can start watching the results.